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5 Important Reasons To Go Mobile

medical, dental, mobile, website, design, marketingWonder why your practice website should have a mobile version? After reading a recent mobile article on Search Engine Land, I cut their list of reasons in half to give you the 5 most important reasons to consider a mobile website.

1. Google has a separate index for mobile content

It’s true and the amount of content in the index is relatively light at this point. This is a great time to get content out there early and become the authority.

2. Your regular website is not going to cut it

With full versions of your site, we utilize specific mobile medical website design features. People’s patience for pinching and panning is going to be limited as mobile sites become the norm.

Mobile is all about speed and convenience. Because of the smaller screen you need specific mobile website design for the screen size of a phone. This helps improve the user experience and allows them to get to what they want quickly.

3. 1/5 of Americans access the mobile web each day

With this percentage continually increasing, not having a mobile site is allowing your competition to get in front of the patients you are not.

4. 93% of U.S. adults own a cell phone

Even though all cell phones are not set up with internet access, users with access to the internet will spend a significant amount of time online. The demographic of adults that access the Internet on their phones will likely be more tech savvy and have an appreciation for the ease of use on your mobile site.

I would also being willing to bet that all of the phones in the near future will have access to the internet whether or not people use it.

5. Mobile advertising spend will surpass $6.5 billion in 2012

Because of the small screen, mobile-targeted ads are becoming more and more popular. When you Google something on a mobile phone the first results are at the top of the screen and take up way more space than on a desktop monitor, meaning the ads are more likely to be clicked.

By having a mobile site, you increase your chances of keeping the traffic and converting it once you have paid for it.

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