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How to Make Your Facebook Posts as Attractive as Your Clients

Your Facebook page is a reflection of your practice, and with a few tips you can show it the same attention to detail you give to your clients.
There are two simple ways to make your Facebook posts aesthetically pleasing to your fans and easy to read:

1. Add a relevant, interesting photo.

Here is your new Facebook-posting mantra: always include a photo with a post. You can either post your own photos, or add a link that auto populates the featured image in the article.
Original content: Photos are attention-grabbing and your post is going to be fighting for recognition in your fans’ News Feed. URL’s and text only statuses will be overlooked for cat memes and food photos.
Make sure your photos are relevant to your practice’s image. Keep photos appropriate and varied in content. Show your staff, facility, new equipment and of course photos of animals, kids, and food (staff birthdays anyone?). Your fans will appreciate the variety and balance between work and play.

How to publish a photo: click the Photo/Video option on the status box and upload your photo.

Don’t forget to add a creative caption with a call-to-action or question that engages your fans and encourages comments and sharing.

Photos from links: Published articles should all have a “featured image” for their article, meaning it will be pulled by Facebook automatically when you post its URL in your status box.

2. Clear up clutter!

Any time you add a URL to a status box on Facebook, it will auto-populate the headline, featured image, and summary of the article (if provided). The ugly link you are posting can then be deleted from your status box, it is no longer necessary since your fans will click the box below your status if they want to read the original source.
See example below of cluttered Facebook post:

Leaving a redundant URL in a Facebook post is digital clutter. Commit to keeping your status box for your message only. When posting a link, ask yourself “What do I want my fans to get from this?” and make your answer an appealing commentary that encourages your fans to click through to the article.
See below for a clean, attractive Facebook post:

In closing, if you want to keep your Facebook posts aesthetically streamlined, they will be more appealing and easier to read by your fans. And you can look like a Facebook super user :).

Have any questions on keeping your posts pretty? Contact us for help with your social media strategy.

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