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Online Press Releases | Keith’s Corner

*Post Update*

On Friday Keith asked:
Happy Friday! Keith’s Corner Question of the Week is:
When RM syndicates news, who reviews and qualifies the press release for newsworthiness prior to launch?
A. Google
B. Human Editor
C. Robots
D. Associated Press
E. None of the above

And the Correct Answer is…

B.Human Editor!
Thanks for participating and check back with us on Wednesday June 27th when we announce the June iPad winner!

This Friday is the start of our Summer Giveaway!

Starting this Friday June 29th, we will be raffling off fun summer prizes. Make sure to check our Facebook page for more information on prizes and how you can be a winner!

What is Today’s Question?

Happy Friday! Today we are exploring press releases.
How well do you know the process of publishing a press release online? Tell us on our Facebook Page!

Answer Keith’s Corner on our Facebook Page today!


This is the last Keith’s Corner before our last Spring iPad raffle!

Now is you final chance to stuff more points into our raffle and increase your chance of winning.
Any answer earns one point, correct answers earn two points.
The lucky winner will be announced Wednesday, June 27th!

Good Luck!

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