What is Facebook and Should I Be on It?
What is Facebook?
Facebook is a social networking platform that connects users through their individual customized web pages. The site is free, and boasts an ultra user-friendly interface allowing even the most novice Internet users to create personal pages in a matter of minutes.
Who Uses FaceBook?
A big misconception is that it’s just a place for kids. Some eye-opening statistics dug up from the Facebook website:
- More than 200 million active users
- More than 100 million users log on to Facebook at least once each day
- More than two-thirds of Facebook users are outside of college
- The fastest growing demographic is those 35 years old and older
- More than 8 million users become fans of Pages each day
- 45% of Facebook’s US audience is now 26 years old or older
Should I Be on It?
YES. Why? Think Internet evolution. Going back a decade, it was fairly uncommon for a medical or dental practice to maintain a practice website – something that is now almost inconceivable. Today, we all generally embrace e-mail as a standard form of communication. It has become an easy way to stay in touch with patients, and to remind them to schedule and keep appointments. There’s nothing magic about e-mail though. The reason it is such a useful tool is that this is the way your patients communicate. When your practice designs its systems around the preferences of the patient, instead of making the patient conform to the way you do things, you make their lives easier. When you make it easier to be your customer, you give someone another reason to value your practice. So Facebook reminds us that technology changes quickly, and behavior follows. If your patients like to communicate online and with e-mail, make your practice a place where they can do that. Why not take it further and anticipate the next step? Why not be the first office in town to use Facebook to communicate with patients? The businesses who offer a quality service, and make people’s lives easier with a total customer experience designed to meet their needs and their wants are the businesses that will thrive.
Join Rosemont Media on FaceBook
With Facebook fan pages, the possibilities are endless. Check out our Rosemont Media Facebook fan page by clicking the icon below. Already on Facebook? Become a fan of Rosemont Media and gain access to special offers, photos of the Rosemont Media team and any other randomness we decide to post!