Being Grateful in a Not-So-Great Year

This year has certainly brought about a lot of change, and has been incredibly difficult for so many. In times of crisis, it can be tough to find things to be thankful for, but appreciating the things we have can help us get through it all. At Rosemont Media, we are grateful for our wonderful clients and all-star staff — the trust of our clients, in addition to the hard work and dedication of our team, has gotten us through 2020. Below, we’re sharing more things we are thankful for this year, as well as how we’re celebrating a bit differently during a pandemic:
“I am thankful for all of the good things in my life, including the health and well-being of my family and friends! I am looking forward to an intimate Thanksgiving this year with Courtney and the kids! Godspeed us into 2021 as brighter days are ahead!” — Keith
“Despite the unique challenges of 2020, there are so many silver linings to appreciate. Virtual school with two young kids by my side while maintaining a full-time schedule at RM hasn’t been easy, but I am so thankful for the opportunity to slow down a bit and appreciate all the little things that may have otherwise passed me by.” — Courtney
“Although my husband and I won’t be hosting as many guests as we normally do (and will certainly miss having our family here with us), I am grateful that we will be able to provide a nice Thanksgiving meal for a couple people who have nowhere to go for the holiday. I am also incredibly thankful for my husband, who has helped me clear off the back patio and build a new outdoor dining set for our change of scenery this year. Last, but not least, I am thankful for the things that have been keeping me sane this year: my dogs, my husband (again lol), therapy, Muay Thai, virtual game nights with friends, and a job that has allowed me to work from home during the craziness of the pandemic.” — Cassie
“In 2020, I’m thankful for the good health of loved ones, the ability to work remotely in a steady job, a roof over my head, and a brighter future ahead. ✨” — Erin
“I am so thankful that I joined the RM family, moved back to sunny San Diego, and got a new puppy that keeps me company while I work from home!” — Chelsea
“I am thankful for my family and friends because despite the hardships of life, they always make it worth living!” — Carrington
“Above all, I’m thankful that my family and friends are in good health — but also, for having a roommate (i.e., husband) that I like, connecting with friends via virtual game nights, being able to work remotely with ease, and already enjoying the homebody lifestyle.” — Katie
“2020’s been a tough one, but I still have so much to be thankful for:
- The health of myself, my family, and my friends (knock on wood)
- My husband, who has been the best quarantine partner in the world
- My 2 furry coworkers whose favorite pastime has become their weekly Zoom appearances
- To-go margaritas (fingers crossed those are here to stay!)
- All the gas money I’ve saved since March
- To be to be part of a company that has been able to grow and evolve with the catastrophe that is 2020
Finally, I am thankful to be in a place where I can be hopeful for 2021. Cheers!” — Megan
“I’m thankful for: toilet paper & paper towels, basic science, DoorDash food delivery, Twitter fact checking, surprise donuts, not paying for gas, golf being covid-proof, online shopping, and the pure joy that my dog brings to our lives on a daily basis.” — John F.
“I am incredibly thankful for my wife and son—and the daily joy they bring to my life.” — John L.
“We will be having a chilly out-door patio Thanksgiving with BBQ’d Cornish hens! Grateful my small immediate family can be together and that we are all healthy. 🙂 Also…everyone in my family is getting covid tested before we get together!” — Merylee
“In no particular order, I am thankful for:
- Wonderful friends and family.
- My loving and caring husband of 10+ years, Andre.
- My nieces and nephews, being an aunt to an ever-growing list of beautiful and brilliant kiddos — up to 22 kids and counting.
- Incredible coworkers who I truly appreciate.
- Watching a new episode of the Mandalorian (which I also refer to as Baby Yoda, yes, I’m one of those people) with my husband on Friday evenings to mark the beginning of the weekend.
- The beautiful San Diego weather.
- My various Spotify playlists, one for every mood and occasion.
- Taco Tuesdays, or Taco Wednesdays, Taco Thursdays, etc., (you get the idea).
- Dogs are the best, especially big friendly dogs like my neighbor’s golden retriever, Bailey, who is a sweetie pie.
- My sister’s new adorable Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, America, who I get to pup-sit whenever I want (I love calling her Miss America, so cute).
- God’s provision and guidance over my life.
- I am super thankful and humbled by being able to do remote work during these challenging times, while many are unemployed and struggling.
- Opportunities that allow me to learn, grow, and mature.
- As our nation goes through so much, I am blessed and thankful to be an American and to experience the power of the American spirit.” — Heidi
“I’m thankful for being fortunate enough to eat delicious food in a warm home with my family around me.” — MJ
“I am thankful for the opportunity to be so connected to loved ones despite not being able to see all of them. Being able to talk to my friends and family through video and phone calls makes us all feel close, even if we can’t all spend the holidays together this year.
I am excited to celebrate Thanksgiving with my mom and brother (and pet bird) this year and make some fun memories!” — Karishma
“I am beyond thankful for my family, friends, hubby, and doggie (yes, even though she rings the potty bell at 6:30am…every…morning). I am grateful for silly dancing sessions and for holiday decorations — twinkly lights are so cozy! I am thankful for good food and good beer AND to be so fortunate to have access to them. Thankful for my homes, planet Earth and sunny San Diego. Lastly, I am so thankful for my new job at Rosemont Media, truly the coolest company and most wonderful, hard-working people.” — Laura
“This year, I’m thankful for:
- Slippers that have rubber soles
- Sunglasses that don’t fog up when you have a mask on
- The Tiger King
- Always having back-up toilet paper
In all seriousness, I’m thankful for having a job I’m able to perform from home, and the health of my friends and family.” — Sean
“This year has been a challenging one, but it has also brought me a number of unexpected blessings: I am thankful for the two newest editions to my family, my cats Honey and Catbert Catsanova, who I adopted last November. I am excited to be celebrating a full year of having their energy (and bountiful catnip toys to trip over) in my life. I am also beyond grateful for the opportunity to join the Rosemont family. Job searching during covid-19 seemed like a fool’s errand, but I ended up finding an amazing company full of amazing people where I can do work that I genuinely enjoy. I am also thankful for both my own health and the ongoing health of my family, as well as the numerous etsy artists who have allowed me to maintain my sense of style while wearing a mask and social distancing.” — Marissa
“I am thankful for a healthy and loving family and the home that we share. I am grateful that I get to see the sunrise and sunsets every day. I am thankful for my job and enjoy what I do.” — Victoria
“I am so grateful to my family and friends, especially now during Covid. I miss so many of them, but each Zoom call keeps us close and reminds me how lucky I am to have them in my life. I am still making my gluten-free cornbread sausage stuffing this year! Our Thanksgiving will be much smaller (of course), but we have planned a few masked walks or hikes to see other folks socially distanced in the days after the holiday.” — Flavia
We hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving with your loved ones this year. Happy Thanksgiving from the RM Family! 🦃