What Rosemont Media is Thankful For, Other Than Gravy

Get your pants with the elastic waistbands ready — it’s Thanksgiving! At Rosemont Media, we are particularly grateful for all our wonderful clients, but we’re also thankful for so much more. Whether it’s the sunny Southern California weather, friends and family, or maybe just a good burrito, we all have some interesting things we’re giving thanks for this year:
“I’m thankful to work with a great group of people and honored to provide website services to awesome clients. Also feeling very blessed to have such a loving family! And oh yeah – Viva El Niño 2015!”— Keith
“Health, family, friends, Thanksgiving, year-round golf weather, elective healthcare. :)” — Brandon B.
“With two small children, this year I am very thankful for online shopping and grocery delivery! Of course, my health, and my family and friends who make this time of year so special!” — Courtney
“Inappropriate memes, calculators, greens in regulation, Allagash Curieux, and the Gulls being back in town.“ — John F.
“Opportunities, adventures, health, internet connection, and good people in my life!” — Erin
“My Daughter being born, and the new Star Wars Movie.” — Mark
“I’m thankful to be happy, healthy and working at RM with such amazing people!” — Megan
“I’m thankful to be healthy, to have a loving husband, a wonderfully large family and the best friends a gal could ask for!” — Amy
“Good credit – so I could finally buy myself a ‘new’ car!” — Elmer
“My wife, health, chocolate, and beer.”— John L.
“You know, it doesn’t get mentioned enough, in my opinion, but I’m still really thankful for toilet paper.” — Ashley
I am thankful for friends who are like family, family members who love me unconditionally, a husband who puts up with me, dogs who make me laugh every day, and the incredibly fun bunch of people I get to work with every day at RM.” — Cassie
“I am thankful for my wife & kids, great friends & family, and winters where I don’t have to shovel snow or scrape ice off my car every morning.” — Seth
“I’m thankful for rainy days, fuzzy sweaters, fresh coffee, and my main squeeze who put a ring on it.” — Katie
From everyone here at Rosemont Media, we hope you have a safe and fun Thanksgiving with friends and family. Save a slice of pumpkin pie for us, will you?