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Most Popular Smartphone Platform and Mobile Website Tracking

In recent mobile news from Google, more than 700,000 Android devices are activated each day, meaning more than 5 million devices are activated every week. If you were asked to guess which smartphone platform was the most popular in the US, would you have guessed Android?

In “Google: Android Activations Top 700,000 a Day,” an article appearing in PC World, Ian Paul equates this to a weekly iPhone 4S opening weekend.

Do you know how many of your website visitors use an Android phone to navigate through your site? Is your site compatible with the Android platform?

Tracking Mobile Users on Your Practice’s Website

January is tracking and analytics month at Rosemont Media, and we’ll be running a webinar to introduce you to the basics and help you begin to track website visitors. The webinar will take place next Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 1 PM PST. Contact your RM rep for more information on how to register.

Because today is Mobile Monday, we’ll cover some quick tips on how to approach tracking from a mobile perspective.

Compatibility is a major concern when talking about mobile users and how they find and use your site. So naturally, knowing which device and/or platform they use can help you determine if your site is working properly on each one.

Google Analytics provides this information. If you log into your account, click on Standard Reporting at the top taskbar, and then click on Mobile in the left hand column, you’ll be able to look at all the mobile stats for your website.

Everything from type of device, to amount of traffic, to time on site, all the information from your full site that you’re likely familiar with, focused specifically on the mobile usage.

Most Popular Mobile Platform on Your Site

After you log into your Google Analytics account and check in on the mobile stats, visit our Facebook page and let us know which smartphone platform is most common amongst your website visitors.

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