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Dos and Don’ts of Website Redesigns

While a website rebuild can refer to a backend rework, a move to a different platform, or some combination of these, one thing is for sure – the process of transferring your website’s data must be handled with great care. In fact, anyone who has ever undergone a website redesign knows that the ordeal can feel almost like a gamble, as there is a fine line between a successful website relaunch and a failed one. Much like a physical move to a new town or city, such substantial changes to your website’s whereabouts can present amazing opportunities for improvement and growth; however, without the proper help and guidance, the relaunch of your website can end in the downfall of your site and depletion of past rankings.

Such redesign disasters almost always occur as a result of hastiness and poor planning. For this reason, it’s essential to have a strategy for relaunching your website. Thankfully, our team at Rosemont Media is well-versed in website transfers and strategy takeover. We’ve compiled this list of “dos and don’ts” to help you transfer your website smoothly and efficiently.

Do – Make Sure the Time Is Right for a Website Redesign

As you can see, the decision to redesign isn’t always easy to make! If you’re less experienced in the marketing/SEO world, it might not even have been your idea. For example, you may have been advised to rebuild your website by your Internet marketing provider or marketing team, and they might have recommended you make the move while site traffic is low (which is often an opportune time to redesign). They may also have alerted you that your site’s performance is dropping, making it ideal to rebuild now.

You may be fully amenable to the change. On the other hand, you may think, “Why the hassle? My site is performing fine.” This is actually a common misconception which people tend to have about their websites. In reality, websites should be redesigned and rebuilt after a certain period of time to refresh rankings, performance, and speed. So even if your site is flourishing at the moment, we urge you to consider the possibility of rebuilding your site somewhere down the line.

If you’re unsure whether now is the right time to redesign, these tips for determining whether a rebuild is necessary can provide you with insight.

Don’t – Delete Your Old Site Right Away

When it comes to taking down your original site, there’s no need to rush. Many first-time web designers prematurely delete their old site and render themselves extra vulnerable in the event of a botched transfer to a newly designed website. It will take time to collect all of your data, back up your assets, and move everything to its new location, and it’s important to take advantage of this time. As such, we advise you only to delete your old site after your marketing team suggests you do so.

Do – Take Stock of Everything Coming With You

This part of the process can feel a lot like “packing,” as it entails taking inventory of your digital assets and specific parts of your site. It may be helpful to create a list of things that will need to be moved to the new domain. These tend to include:

Additionally, taking stock means making backups of the important data that’s going to be transferred. The precise amount of data that will need to be transferred will vary, but having backups of everything being moved can save you a lot of trouble in the end.

Don’t – Jump the Gun

Now that you’ve started the rebuild process, how do you know when it’s over? That is to say, how do you know when it’s time to launch your new and improved website?

Unfortunately, people who make their new site go live too soon often come to regret that decision. A solid marketing team will thoroughly preview the site, check to make sure everything matches where it should, and ensure that every necessary update has been made.

Do – Choose a Great Internet Marketing Provider

Keep in mind that your website redesign may warrant the help of a new marketing team. In other words, it may be time for a strategy takeover, or a comprehensive reworking of your site from the inside out. A leading team with seasoned members can walk you through the entire process, helping you dodge common mistakes and make the most of your new online presence. In addition, another pair of eyes on your site, content, and digital assets can provide you with extra security during “the big move.”

Experience with website marketing strategies, design, content, and administration is absolutely key. The willingness and ability to stay on the innovation train and evolve over time is also of vital importance. Particularly when it comes to medical and dental websites, your marketing team must be filled with experienced collaborators who have a record of success and can guide you on the best path toward a website transition that may work wonders for your practice. Professionals who are focused on marketing for these specific fields, and have been for many years, can offer tailored advice and meticulous strategic (and ethical) planning that takes numerous aspects of your practice’s online presence into account.

Are you planning to rebuild your website soon? We encourage you to contact our team at Rosemont Media for unparalleled guidance through this often perilous journey!

Editor’s note: The original version of this post was published on April 19, 2022.

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