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How Will You Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

This October is the 26th annual celebration of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The NBCAM organization is a partnership of national public service organizations, professional medical associations, and government agencies working together to increase and promote awareness, provide general information, and allow for greater access to screening services for breast cancer.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates that 207,090 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2010. However, the same study from NCI shows roughly 2.6 million women with a history of breast cancer are alive today in the United States, meaning treatment has been more effective and survival rates are increasing. Despite the tremendous amount of research and resources being dedicated to breast cancer, still more can be done to educate and empower women through preventative measures until a clear cure for breast cancer is found.

Visit the Rosemont Media Facebook page and tell us how you plan to raise awareness for breast cancer this October.

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