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Staying Connected with Your Company (And Having Some Fun) in This Unprecedented Time

Rosemont Media stays connected during the quarantine with a virtual beach party on Zoom

The world can feel a little scary and confusing right now, as we all come to terms with our “new normal” of staying home to stay safe. Fortunately, there are still plenty of ways we can add some enjoyment to our days and stay in touch with others.

Many “non-essential” workplaces have shut down entirely for the time being, while others have found ways to adapt and work from home. At Rosemont Media, we quickly transitioned our operations to enable all of our employees to work remotely, beginning March 13th. Since then, we have maintained a strong line of communication by having regular company-wide “Town Hall” meetings each week. These meetings allow our CEO, Keith Humes, to keep everyone informed of any updates or changes within the company, while also providing employees with an opportunity to share things like what they are struggling with or what they have done to cope with the situation and overcome obstacles. Additionally, we have begun adding some fun to our Friday meetings by adding a theme and a “happy hour” element. This past Friday, we got together virtually for a “beach party” theme! Past themes have included “nostalgia” and “wigs in space.”

Video chats with your staff via Zoom, Google Hangouts, or any other video conferencing platform can be a great way to stay connected, improve communication, and have a little fun! How have you been keeping in touch with your staff? Share your ideas with us on our Facebook and Instagram pages — and feel free to suggest a theme for one of our upcoming Friday meetings, as well!

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