Not All Links Are Created Equal

Would you rather…
- eat one delectable brownie or eat three brownies that don’t taste nearly as good?
- have a few extremely close friends or have several people you’d consider mere acquaintances?
- chew one piece of gum that keeps its flavor for a long time or sequentially chew multiple pieces of gum that lose their flavor within minutes?
- catch two large tuna or reel in ten kelp bass?
- have a single $10 bill or five $1 bills?
While examples of the contrary do exist, the principle of quality over quantity holds true for many things in life – not excluding aspects of your online marketing strategy. In fact, quality over quantity plays a major role in one of the largest components of search engine optimization for your medical or dental practice: linking.
Once upon a time, a popular strategy was to generate as many links for your website as possible in order to increase your ranking and visibility across all major search engines. The more backlinks you had to your site – regardless of where or from whom the links originated – the more your SEO results typically improved. As opposed to this primitive SEO methodology, it’s now all about the quality of links obtained for your website rather than the number of links leading back to your site. In addition to rewarding for quality links, Google has also started to penalize websites with excessive backlinks deemed to be spammy and low-quality.
So how do you know the difference between a quality link versus a low-quality, spammy link? Better yet, what should you do if you come across the latter in order to avoid penalization? Stay tuned for our next blog post in which we’ll discuss the new SEO: link removal.
Contact Us
For more information about your practice’s SEO linking strategy, or to speak with one of our medical or dental consultants, please contact Rosemont Media today.