3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Making a New Practice Website

Congratulations! You have made the decision to get a new practice website and can’t wait for it to be created. But with so many decisions to be made, where do you start? When talking to your website design company it helps if you have an idea of the message you want your website to express. Here are some questions to help get the creative juices flowing.
1. Who is your target market?
Defining your target market can be asked in a question, “who are your ideal patients?”. The design of a website can focus on any group you want, which is why it is important to get as narrow as possible. Identify the gender, age, and lifestyle of your ideal patients. From there you need a website that is attractive to that group. A website for an orthopedic surgeon targeting endurance athletes is going to look different than a mommy makeover site for a plastic surgeon.
Action item
Get to know your target market. For example if your target market is women in their 30’s and you have staff or patients in that group, ask them what their favorites websites are. By seeing what they like you can get a greater understanding of the design and colors of websites they prefer. You don’t have to copy these sites but your web designers can use some aspects for inspiration.
2. What are your favorite procedures?
Your practice most likely performs a wide variety of procedures, but your website should emphasize your favorites. Just like with any form of advertising, there are key areas that are viewed the most. It is important for your web design company to know what your key procedures are so they can be given the best placement.
Action item
Identify your favorite four to five procedures for when you meet with your web design company.
3. How is your practice different than the competition?
Patents want to connect with their surgeon and feel supported by the practice. During the research phase, potential patients will be looking at websites of prospective surgeons to get a sense of what the practice is like. A great way to create a positive first impression is by incorporating your mission statement and patient care philosophy into your website.
Action item
Don’t have a mission statement yet? Get started by reading how to write a fluff-free mission statement.
The Start of the Web Design Journey
The process to design a website includes many steps and its important to have an idea of what the end product should be. Now that you have decided who to target, what to highlight, and how to differentiate your practice, you can begin to plan your new website with your web design company. If you would like to get started making your practice site, contact us and we can discuss what the needs of your new site will be.