How to Create a Stronger Search Engine Marketing Portfolio
Let’s pretend you are about to invest a large sum of money. Assuming you are not going to approach this decision alone, what are some questions that come to mind as you consider placing the health of your financial well-being in the hands of someone else?
Most importantly, you would probably want to know more about the expected ROI. Then, maybe you would like to get into some of the finer details, if only to make sure they meet some common sense requirements. You would probably like to know this particular financial investor would be in charge of your investments across the board to ensure protection and avoid implementing combative strategies. Finally, you might enjoy knowing the information you were receiving carried some form of exclusivity to ensure your investments performed at an optimum level.
Now answer this: when you decided to invest in a practice website and search engine marketing campaign, was the decision process similar to the one described above?
Essential Components of Successful Search Engine Marketing Strategies
Whereas the question used to concern the need for websites, search engine marketing, social media, and SEO, a diverse and lasting online presence has become an essential component to the future success of any practice. Treating your professional investments as you would your personal financial portfolio will ensure your online marketing efforts translate into in-office success.
3 Ways to Strengthen Your Online Presence
Over the next week as we gear up for ASAPS 2011 and AACD 2011, the Rosemont Review will address each of the following three components in further detail. If you have any questions, or would like to tell us how you implemented a successful online marketing campaign, visit the Rosemont Media Facebook page or @RosemontMedia twitter handle and fill us in.
# 1: SEM Firm Must Be an Extension of Your Practice
While a number of theories concerning search engine marketing exist, continuous success relies on a unified strategy. If SEM strategies are not performed in accordance with each other, one approach could hinder the success of another and hurt overall performance. By bringing all SEM and SEO efforts under one roof, you will create a level of synergy to ensure your online presence is simply an extension of your practice.
# 2: Social Media Cannot be Outsourced
A successful social media presence requires consistent, personalized, quality engagement. There is no room for automation or ghostwriting when it comes to cultivating online relationships with your patients, as they expect social media interactions to mimic office visits, not phone calls or email.
When social media is performed in-house, the practice’s true passion for their patients’ safety and satisfaction is obvious. As that passion continues to shine, and the practice’s online community continues to grow, potential patients are attracted to the doctor and his team thanks to an online reputation and brand authority otherwise unavailable to practices outsourcing their social media strategies.
Overwhelmed with the idea of social media or unsure of the steps needed to get started? With the help of a search engine marketing firm that acts as an extension of your practice, a simple and effective strategy can be implemented in two easy steps: engage now and be consistent; then, discuss appropriate platforms and social media optimization with your SEM firm to ensure all strategies are aligned.
# 3: The VIP Treatment: Market Exclusivity
Market exclusivity guarantees a competitive advantage in your area, which is essential to online success as SEM continues to trend toward local results. Without exclusive rights to your specific market, your SEM firm could be employing an identical strategy in the same market for one of your competitors, which results in watered down online success and ROI.
At Rosemont Media, we believe the only way to ensure success in your local market is to design custom SEM strategies based on your goals and expectations, which includes guaranteeing exclusive rights to that market. By operating under the strictest terms of exclusivity, we are able to effectively manage our clients’ online reputation, and positively enhance brand authority throughout their industry.
Contact Rosemont Media today for more information on market exclusivity, search engine marketing, and the Rosemont Media Advantage as a whole.