Users Without a Google+ Account Can Now Leave Reviews on Google Local

Google recently updated the interface for leaving reviews on Google Local listings — a Google+ account is no longer required. This small but important change makes the review process significantly easier, and it opens the door for a lot more of your patients who want to leave a review! Instead of requiring a full Google+ account, users are now asked to simply log in with any Google account (it does not necessarily have to be Gmail-based; e.g.,,, etc. — as long as the user’s full name is displayed). Once the user is logged in, they can easily leave their review.
This modification makes leaving a review much more convenient for your patients, but Rosemont Media can help you take it one step further: with our review generator tool, you can easily customize an email or text message for your patients that leads them directly to the review page for the sites you wish to target. Our tool also enables you to track your results, monitor reviews, and more!
To learn more about the importance of online reviews and how to generate more of them, please don’t hesitate to contact Rosemont Media today! Our consultants can help you better understand effective and ethical ways to help boost your practice’s online reputation.