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How to Update Your Facebook Strategy with the New 2015 Algorithm


Facebook’s organic post reach (the number of people who see posts that are not promoted) has been steadily declining over the years, making paid social media marketing campaigns absolutely necessary. In a recent announcement – one that shocked marketers everywhere – Facebook revealed it will be updating its newsfeed algorithm once again to not only make organic post reach even more difficult to obtain, but also to reduce overly promotional page posts in the newsfeed beginning in January 2015.

Why is this happening?

In an effort to make their platform more user-friendly, Facebook conducted a survey to determine what type of content users prefer to see in their newsfeeds. Survey results concluded people want to see more stories from friends and pages they like and less promotional content and blatant ads.

What does this mean?

These types of posts will be filtered out of the newsfeed:

What can we do about it?

Your practice page will need to develop two Facebook strategies: 1) an editorial calendar of engaging, organic content to increase the quality and relevance of stories in the newsfeed, and 2) a completely separate Facebook advertising campaign.

Here are a few tips to enhance your Facebook content:

Contact Rosemont Media

Our social media marketing team at Rosemont Media is constantly at the forefront of the everchanging landscape of social media, and we can help enhance your overall SM strategy. Contact us for more information.

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