6 Predictions for Search Engine Marketing in 2016

Bells are ringing, balls are dropping, and search engine marketing is advancing. Before we drink too deeply from our glasses of cheer, our CEO, Keith Humes, offers his take on how 2016 will alter the online experience for the elective healthcare industry. Looking back on 2015, he accurately forecasted the rise of mobile, the destruction of link farms, and the growth of social media. Will this year’s six insightful predictions prove as perceptive? Only time will tell, but we’re confident his intuition will benefit your medical or dental website.
1. Making Mobile Fashionable
Virtually every patient carries a computer wherever they go, either in the form of a smartphone, laptop, or tablet. In 2015, mobile devices officially took over for desktop computers as the technology most commonly used for Google searches. The “mobile-friendly” tag has fully rolled out, and mobile-unfriendly sites have been impacted. The warnings are over. You must be mobile friendly.
- Mobile is adding new members to its family! We’d like to welcome the Apple Watch, Google Glass (retired for now, but whispers of a new version abound), and other wearables to the household.
2. Cross Compatibility
Now that the market is flush with a stunning variety of mobile devices, your website has to look fantastic on every one. Cross device compatibility will play a big role moving forward. A great user experience for your website visitors benefits patients—and it can also enhance your ranking.
- How do you make your website display as desired across so many screen sizes? Responsive design is still the best plan to achieve this goal.
3. 4K High Res on the Rise
Ultra HD (also called UHD and 4K) is finally making waves. In fact, the UK and Canada have already started televising sports in 4K, and the US is nipping at their heels. Furthermore, computer monitors capable of 4K resolution have been selling like hotcakes (now that prices have finally dropped into an affordable range). The future is coming, and it brings with it the sharpest images yet.
- Building a 4K-ready website will help position you well as more users adopt this advanced technology, giving you an edge over competitors still clinging to old, maladaptive designs.
4. Reviews Rule with Increasing Power
Patients don’t just talk; they type. Consumer-generated reviews about doctors and businesses help attract (or repel) individuals who purposefully seek out this information. As a result, Google prominently displays Yelp reviews on search engine results pages (SERP). You can harness this power by providing the best possible patient experience, which in turn can improve your ranking and build trust with prospective clients.
- Wish there were a simpler, more straightforward way to generate patient reviews? Say no more! Our innovative Patient Review tool streamlines the process and puts the control firmly in your hands—no gimmicks, false promises, or outrageous claims needed. Contact us today to watch a demo of this unique product in action.
5. Google+ Goes Down; Facebook Flourishes
Google+ made a valiant, if at times misguided, effort, but the social media site, its circles, and its plus 1’s, are giving up the fight. Facebook remains the undisputed king of this realm, and social media marketing will continue to expand and grow in importance with regard to patient interaction, market visibility, and ranking.
- Our social media team has its fingers on the pulse of this rapidly changing field. We can help you identify the best social media sites for your practice and present a welcoming and professional face to the online community.
6. Monetizing Local Search Listings?
Will 2016 be the year that Google finally monetizes local search listings? These directories offer the essentials about your business where they can be most easily seen by patients. We’ve got a hunch Google will start charging for placement, and next year may herald the beginning of this practice.
- Google usually starts by “recommending” certain actions before fully implementing them. Our skilled marketing team can help keep your practice in-the-know about any changes to policy that could affect your website marketing performance.
With a new year comes new opportunities, and we look forward to all the challenges, changes, and achievements that 2016 may bring. Regardless of what develops, we’re ready. If you have any questions about medical or dental marketing or our predictions, please contact our office today.